GELPACKS / PCM & cooling elements

Always the right temperatures

There are several ways to get the right temperature - choose the right one

Standard cooling elements, heating elements, gel packs or special PCM/cooling elements. The possibilities are endless. If you want to make sure you choose the best solution for your product, find help here or contact us.

Gel packs

Gel packs or also known as ice packs / gel ice are designed for one-way transportation and are an ideal solution for transporting food, medicines, vaccines and more.

As standard, our gel packs measure 200 mm in width and we can produce from 120 to 500 mm in length, with volumes from 200 ml to 1600 ml. As standard, we use a clear foil so you can easily see which cooling/PCM liquid we have in the gel packs.

See PCM/coolant chart below for the different temperature ranges (-24 / -21 / -16 / -12 / -3 / 0 / +5 and +20°C).

Together with our e-shop boxes, they ensure cold chain compliance for up to 36 hours, or more than 72 hours with some of our medical thermal boxes.

  See PCM/coolant diagram below.


All development/testing and production takes place in our laboratory/production in Denmark.

Several of our gel packs are based on natural raw materials and, where possible, with a biodegradable gel mass. So far, 3 of our gel packs are biodegradable.

On sunny days, our business is powered by solar cells, from production to office.

Our gel packs
  • Melts slowly due to shape and design
  • Has optimal energy output due to the correct composition of ingredients
  • Keeps its shape when frozen
  • Emits minimal condensation
  • Several of our gelpacks are bio-based
  • Are environmentally friendly and can be disposed of with household waste

Maintain a stable temperature during transportation

Freezing elements, often known as gel packs or gel ice, are an essential component when it comes to maintaining a stable temperature during transportation or storage of goods, especially medical products. These freezing elements are filled with a special gel/PCM liquid that has the ability to maintain a given temperature over a longer period of time, making them an ideal solution to ensure products stay fresh throughout transportation. We offer both hot and cold gel packs and PCM elements.

Gel packs or also known as ice packs / gel ice are designed for one-way transportation and are an ideal solution for transporting medicines, vaccines, blood samples, laboratory samples, food, etc. Our gel packs have the advantage that they do not leave water behind when they melts. This means you don't have to worry about moisture or water damage to your goods.

Environmentally friendly PCM liquids

We develop and produce PCM (Phase changing material) / liquids for several different temperature ranges. One of the significant advantages is that many of them are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. We use natural raw materials in our production and our products are therefore non toxic to humans or the environment. This makes our gel packs and PCM elements a safe choice that protects both your goods and the planet. We believe it is crucial to minimize our impact on the planet, while providing reliable and efficient temperature stable solutions that meets the customer requirements.

Furthermore, our rigid PCM elements are designed to take less damage if dropped and are made from the strong material HDPE.  After each use they can easily be refrozen and ready for the next trip or shipment. With proper use and storage, these PCM elements can last for many years, making them an economical and environmentally friendly solution.

It's worth investing in quality cooling elements / PCM elements as they play a crucial role in ensuring your goods stay at the desired temperature. Whether you need to to maintain freezing, cooling or room temperature during transportation of e.g. medicines, vaccines, laboratory samples etc.

Example of a 24 hour transportation

Below is an example of a 24-hour shipping. It shows what temperatures you get around your products with the different gel packs we produce. The test is performed in our temperature cabinet, with the temperature profile AFNOR 24H moderate summer.

Cooling/heating and PCM elements

Cooling/heating and PCM elements

We can supply a wide range of cooling & PCM elements for reusable applications

For single use we recommend gel packs / gel ice / ice packs. You can order these with different melting points depending on the temperature you want to maintain around your products.

In this context, we work with PCM elements (Phase changing material), which is the future. Here the melting point is + or - 0°C, unlike water, whose melting point is always 0°C. This means that we can hit a specific temperature that matches your products and transport requirements with great precision. At the same time, we can avoid acclimatization and the risk of frost damage and save a workflow.

Another benefit is that if the products end up in customs at the airport (which can take several days), the PMC elements will hibernate and ensure stable temperatures around the products if they are simply placed in the airport cold room. In comparison, water-based elements would create a risk of temperature drops and frost damage.

5 Great tips

When it comes to using our Gel packs/cooling/PCM elements, we like to share a handful of tips:
  1. Expect a freezing time of 24 to 48 hours depending on your freezer capacity and the amount you freeze at a time. The elements must be completely hard before packing.
  2. Set the freezer at least 6 degrees colder than the freezing point of the PCM liqiud you choose.
  3. Achieve the fastest freezing time by avoiding assembling/stacking the gel packs/cooling/PCM elements, instead distribute them in your freezer/cooler
  4. Avoid frost damage by acclimatizing the Gelpacks/cooling elements at room temperature for approx. 20-30 minutes depending on size, alternatively until the surface of the Gel packs/cooling/PCM elements is the same temperature as the melting point of the PCM liquid you chose. After this procedure you can packing them safely in your packaging.
  5. Optimize cooling by placing the gel packs/cooling/PCM elements on all inner sides of your thermal box. If this is not possible, place them at the top and bottom or alternatively at both ends of your packaging. This is how we achieve convection/better cooling.


We develop, design, produce and fill gel packs, cooling and PCM elements ourselves.

FriloTech works with the latest technology in PCM (phase changing material) e.g. in gel packs, PCM/cooling elements for medical transportation.

What exactly is PCM (Phase changing material)? If we start looking at an ordinary cooling element, in order for it to provide us with any cooling energy, for example for a cooler bag, it must be put in the freezer and frozen, a process we can call charging. When the water in the cooling element freezes and changes phase, it becomes hard, it has absorbed a lot of energy. We get that energy back when we take the cooling element out of the freezer and put it in our cooler bag. When the temperature around the cooling element is higher than the melting point of the liquid in the cooling, it begins to melt, and we get energy

How does PCM work

Water changes phase at 0°C, freezing/melting. To get any energy out of the water/our cooling element, the water must be allowed to make this phase change. Water can actually contain an incredible amount of energy, as much as 335kj per kg at the phase change. 
4.2kj per kg per °C when it is liquid and 2.1kj per kg per °C when it is frozen. 
This means that we get around 80 times more energy from phase change than from simply cooling the water.
The disadvantage of water is that its melting point is around 0°C, the vast majority of medicines must not get below +2°C, which is why you use a coolant (PCM liquid) that has a more suitable melting point, i.e. where we get the large amount of energy (latent heat). For example, in medicine transport where the medicine must be kept at +2 to +8°C, you will need to use a PCM liquid that has a melting point of approx. +5°C. For example, for medicines that need to be kept at +15 to +25°C, you would use a PCM liquid that has a melting point of approx. +20°C.

A way to remember what latent heat and sensible heat are: 
Latent heat we can call hidden heat, here you can't feel the temperature difference because there is none. The phase change of our PCM liquid happens at the latent heat point.

Sensible heat is before and after the melting point, here we can feel our liquid changing temperature to colder or warmer.

Other benefits of PCM

Some of the other advantages we have are that we can freeze a +5°C PCM element at +2°C and thereby save the acclimatization process. This means that we both save a process, but also that we significantly reduce the chance of getting below +2°C around our medicines, as we have not frozen the PCM elements in a freezer but in a refrigerator. At the same time, we need to freeze and handle the PCM elements in the same way for both winter and summer scenarios.
For example, if we ship from cold Denmark to hot Africa, or from Denmark on a hot summer day to a cold destination somewhere in the world. If we had used a water-based solution, there are several points here we need to be very careful about.

See some of the PCM liquids we work with in the table further down the page.

FriloTech: Why choose specialists like us?

Sustainable products
In-house development and production
Danish quality
Development and production in Denmark
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